“There are very few within the industry with more experience in alfalfa and forages than Dan Undersander,” said Beth Nelson, MFA President. “We are fortunate he’s able to join us to share his expertise.” Dr. Undersander has nearly 50 years of experience as a Forage Specialist and retired from the University of Wisconsin where he specialized in forage production, forage harvesting (hay, haylage, and baleage), forage analysis, and grazing.
In a departure from previous years, MFA is excited to be holding its Southeast Tour de Forage event in conjunction with the Minnesota Milk Dairy Conference & Expo, providing the opportunity for attendees to attend dairy educational sessions in addition to the forage track. Tour de Forage meetings:
Tuesday, December 3, Floodwood, MN (The Event Center) Wednesday, December 4, Welch, MN (Treasure Island Resort & Casino)
Thursday, December 5, Greenwald, MN (Greenwald Pub)
Agendas vary by location (visit www.midwestforage.org for each program). Additional presentations:
- Strategies to Manage Winterkill, Jared Goplen, UM-Ext., Morris
- Manure Management in Cover Crops & Side-Dressing Corn, Melissa Wilson, UM, St. Paul
- Cows, Corn, Cover Crops: Compatible or Collusion? Ed McNamara, McNamara Acres, Goodhue
- Cover Crops & How They Affect Animal Performance, Eric Mousel, UM-Ext., Grand Rapids
- Baleage – Quality, Economics, & Harvest Loss, Eric Mousel, UM-Ext., Grand Rapids
- Growing & Feeding Forage Sorghums, Matt Akins, UW, Marshfield
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about forages, network with industry professionals, and have your forage-related questions answered. Lunch and proceedings are included with registration. For discounted preregistration, please visit www.midwestforage.org or contact MFA at 651.484.3888 by November 22.