By Ev Thomas
Oak Point Agronomics, New York
Corn silage harvest is in full swing, with many farms already finished. Conditions have been ideal — warm and sunny, and no rain of consequence for almost two weeks. Some farmers are surprised at how dry the crop is, but they shouldn’t be, given the hot August and early September. One way to estimate yields (on a relative basis) from the pickup seat is to look at how much corn is left standing after the silos are full, many to overflowing. I saw one farmer apparently experimenting with the use of asphalt for his bunker silo floor: His silo faced the road, and he’d so overfilled the silo that the silage extended onto the pavement of the county road. Alfalfa continues to look really good, but cool-season grasses have slowed down considerably because of the warm, dry weather. My lawn is showing a few brown patches for the first time since late May, but we’ve yet to miss a weekly mowing all season. A lot of Northern corn leaf blight in the region, to the extent that one crop consultant is recommending that NCLB resistance be the number one selection criterion in ordering seed corn for 2016.
By Dennis Hancock
Extension Forage Specialist
University of Georgia
The annual fall planting rush is on! Cool and moist conditions in many areas of the state have enabled producers to begin planting their cool season forages. Producers are finding winter annual seed prices are considerably higher than normal. Seed yield of some of the best varieties of annual ryegrass, the most widely planted winter annual in the U.S., was 10 to 30 percent lower than normal in the Pacific Northwest. Similarly, locally produced small grain seed yields were low, as well. This has caused a considerable increase in seed price for all of our winter annuals. Since winter grazing plays a prominent role in minimizing hay feeding in Georgia, many producers will be forced to rely more heavily on hay this winter. Fortunately, most producers report normal to slightly above normal hay stocks after a fairly productive growing season. Additionally, forage quality is tracking about 5 to 8 percent better than the 10-year average.
By Steve Orloff
Farm Advisor/Siskiyou County
University of California-Extension