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The 60-minute panel discussion, to be held at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on November 15, will highlight some of the biggest challenges threatening global prairies, native rangelands and railways. It will also arm vegetation managers with the latest tools and technologies to help combat these common problems.
The event will be moderated by Virginie Giraud, Envu head of Smart Weeding System (SWS) rail services. Panelists include Harry Quicke, Envu senior science fellow regional stewardship and development manager; Erika Fitzpatrick, rancher and founder of Mesa Communications; and Graham Owen, senior engineer, Network Rail.
“I encourage industry colleagues, and anyone in the environmental science space who contends with invasive weeds and grasses, to join us for this important discussion,” says Gilles Galliou, Envu CEO. “Participants will learn how new digital technologies can amplify the effectiveness of herbicides to increase biodiversity, reduce wildfires, and keep infrastructure safe and weed-free.”
Innovations for Environmental Challenges
In addition to addressing the biggest challenges threatening global prairies, native rangelands and railways, panelists will highlight some of our latest innovations available to help combat these problems, including:
- An innovation featuring a unique mode of action for restoring rangelands devastated by invasive winter annual grasses: Rejuvra® herbicide increases forage production and quality, enhances biodiversity, and reduces the risk of wildfire.
- Next-level detail for early detection of and treatment planning for annual grass infestations: RangeView™ digital platform, in partnership with Satelytics satellite imagery, empowers ranchers and land managers to evaluate site conditions and infestation levels in unprecedented detail to reduce and eliminate invasive annual grasses from their land.
- Smart solutions for industrial vegetation managers: Our SWS technology helps keep railway infrastructure safe by cleaning it from weeds.
- Increased transparency: By using GPS data in tandem with SWS technology, we’re able to monitor and show where (and in what amount) product has been sprayed.
- Collaborations to prevent wildfires, increase water quality and improve wildlife habitats: From reducing fire risk to improving habitats, we’re partnering with wildlife experts who share our commitment to the environment.
Following the panelist discussion, event participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. No registration is required, and the event is open to the public — anyone interested in learning about the powerful combination of innovative herbicide solutions and cutting-edge digital technologies is welcome. Learn more on our LinkedIn channel.
About Envu
Envu was founded in 2022, a new company built on years of experience, for the sole purpose of advancing healthy environments for everyone, everywhere. Envu offers dedicated services in: Professional Pest Management, Forestry, Ornamentals, Golf, Industrial Vegetation Management, Lawn & Landscape, Mosquito Management, and Range & Pasture. Across each of its lines of business, Envu collaborates with customers to design innovative solutions that meet their requirements today and well into the future. Envu’s portfolio consists of over 180 trusted and well-known brands. The company employs nearly 900 people and operates in more than 100 countries with four global innovation hubs. For additional information, visit the Envu website.