May 15, 2023
The first “Alfalfa Conference,” which was later to become the North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, took place in Washington D.C. on January 13, 1930...

May 9, 2023
Every state has their recommended seeding date range for establishing cool-season forage species in the spring...

May 3, 2023
Alfalfa hay can be used in rations for pregnant and nonlactating dairy cows without necessarily causing metabolic diseases such as clinical hypocalcemia — also called milk fever. That’s the conclusion of recent research by Virginia Tech’s Gonzalo Ferreira...

April 18, 2023
Perhaps the weakest link in the entire alfalfa production cycle is getting a healthy, vigorous stand. Subsequent production, forage quality, and persistence hinge on it.During a “Field Crops Virtual...

April 11, 2023
Over the course of the next two months, a large number of hay implements will venture out into fields for their maiden voyage of 2023. Be it grass or alfalfa, first cutting separates itself as a time...

April 3, 2023
Forage nutrient digestion and energy yield is a function of the feed’s nutrient content and subsequent digestion by the animal. Fiber content and digestion has been a major focus in ruminant nutrition, laboratory measures, and forage quality for decades...

March 31, 2023
In a recent survey of horse owners, 48% said alfalfa hay was an excellent source of nutrition while 73% said it was too high in protein or overall nutrients. These results represent conflicting opinions...

March 16, 2023
Why Alfalfa?presented by Emily Meccage, David Weakley, and Matt Minnes,W-L Alfalfas presented this webinar detailing why alfalfa needs to stay in crop rotations...

Feb. 28, 2023
Alfalfa is a solution to a lot of problems...

Feb. 21, 2023
Okay, maybe renaissance is too strong of a word, but in case you haven’t been paying attention, things are happening on the small square bale front.In the same way I’ve been told since middle scho...