Consumer sales and profits generally spike dramatically during the last two months of the year as the Christmas season is accompanied by a flurry of gift buying and giving — for better or worse. Acco...
While in some areas of the U.S. a second cutting of alfalfa is done or in the process of being made, that’s not the case in the Midwest and Northeast. Farmers in these regions just recently parked t...
Ruminants have a distinct advantage compared to other livestock because of their ability to process highly fibrous, otherwise nonutilizable, feedstuffs into a marketable product...
In an already challenging agriculture economy, it may seem like this year has little positive to offer — especially if substantial winterkill of forage stands has occurred on your farm...
The high nutritive value of alfalfa makes it a valuable forage for ruminant animals. However, alfalfa producers are continually faced with balancing yield and quality during the growing season...
It’s likely that about 30 percent of round bale users are not removing the net wrap or twine on bales before feeding or processing. That was a finding from the South Dakota State University (SDSU) o...
Like many of you reading this, I cut my haymaking teeth spending many summer hours pulling a sickle cutterbar mower, generally over stone-infested terrain. My next move up in the world was riding self...
It’s no secret that animal rights activists have caused more than their fair share of consternation for livestock producers over the years. Despite some underhanded methods and often exaggerated cla...