The weather geeks at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tell us that 2016 was the second warmest year for the U.S. in the 122 years of record keeping. It was the 24th wettest y...
After a year of prognosticating what might be the case, we now know what is the case ... or at least as close to knowing as we can be.The USDA’s Crop Production and Crop Production Annual Summary re...
In this Wisconsin selection nursery, some individual plants thrived, while others succumbed over time.The perennial forage plant commonly known as alfalfa in the Americas, alfa-alfa in the Middle East...
Though short of the discussion dedicated to Donald Trump, it’s been interesting to note the amount of dialogue dedicated to bale net wrap during the past few months. However, it’s safe to say that...
With the holidays in the rearview mirror, the last vestige of a distraction to the routine of feeding cows during winter has come and gone. Now it’s snow, ice, sleet, rain, mud, cold, and wind ... f...
You’ve read before in this space about my opinions regarding the current USDA market hay grades and why using them is the equivalent of calling your neighbor on a party line rotary-dial phone.There�...
It’s often said that drastic times are cause for drastic measures. So what do you do when hay prices reach levels not seen in many years and you’re in the business of selling hay? That was...
Sol Chip, an innovative provider of Internet of Things (IoT) systems and energy harvesting solutions, today announced the introduction of its Sol Chip Comm™ autonomous, wireless...
We’ve again reached that time of year when a visit from the local co-op agronomist usually has nothing to do with checking the growing crop. Rather, he or she comes calling bearing gifts of new seed...
It’s Election Day — so what better time to address a forage topic that is wrought with opinion, controversy, and conflict.Through my years as an extension agent and now as the managing editor of a...