Hay Biz is a collection of news releases from the forage industry covering product launches, employee additions, and industry events. The items below have been supplied by forage marketers and have not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.

June 4, 2015
CLAAS, the internationally leading manufacturer of self-propelled forage harvesters, has entered into an agreement with the U.S. company Shredlage, L.L.C. regarding its Shredlage technology. Shredlage, L.L.C. is the developer of a special conditioning process for corn silage in the CLAAS JAGUAR forage harvester...

June 4, 2015
Leslie Beck is the newest extension weed specialist and assistant professor in departments of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science and Extension Plant Sciences at New Mexico State University...

June 3, 2015
“First cut alfalfa by a certain day in May or June” (location dependent); “Cut alfalfa stands 28 to 32 days after the prior cut.” These have been the standard rules of thumb for many farmers aiming to achieve dairy quality forage – for years...

June 3, 2015
Alfalfa hay buyers and sellers now have a way to know the relative feed value (RFV) of every bale. A new on-baler system calculates and records RFV as each bale is made, and can assign that value by attaching an RFID tag to the bale’s string...

May 22, 2015
The Kuhn Krause DOMINATOR established an industry standard for a primary tillage product, designed to reduce subsoil compaction, provide residue management and maintain a level field finish. In an effort to continually improve our product’s performance and meet or exceed customer expectations, we are pleased to introduce the new DOMINATOR 4855...

May 22, 2015
DuPont Pioneer today announced its 2015 sorghum hybrid product offerings, including the addition of three new hybrids. These hybrids offer sorghum growers strong yield potential, improved agronomic performance, a wide range of defensive trait packages and adaptability to both irrigated and dryland acres...

May 22, 2015
Digi‐Star introduces the Moisture Tracker™; a hand‐held, Near-infrared (NIR) scanning device, which rapidly measures the dry matter and moisture content of animal feeds...

May 22, 2015
Krone is introducing a new tedder model to its extensive lineup that offers ease of transportation and improved forage drying. The new KWT 882 T rotary tedder from Krone features a working width of 28’10” and a low tractor requirement of 55 horsepower...

May 21, 2015
Designed and built in Augusta, Ga.,the 2015 John Deere 3032E and 3038E compact utility tractors feature customer-driven updates for added convenience, comfort and ease of use. The 3ESeries models are practical for rural property owners, equine and small-scale livestock operations, landscape contractors and grounds care maintenance providers who are looking for a machine designed to handle a variety of tasks.“The 3E Series is designed to make our customers’ work easier,”...