Jan. 15, 2018
We’re different in every respect.” The phrase seemed only fitting coming from Steve Carr, owner of 3D Valley Farms in Depauw, Ind., as he tended to the draft horse team he still uses around the farm...

April 30, 2017
Long-time nutritionist Steve Woodford (left) and Tom Kestell regularly discuss forage quality tests and associated ration adjustments for Kestell’s high-producing dairy herd...

March 1, 2017
Pasture-finished beef is becoming more popular among consumers. However, finishing beef solely on pasture grasses with no grains requires a very aggressive level of pasture management throughout...

Feb. 27, 2017
Dairy farmers who grow their own forages should focus on diversity. Throughout the eastern United States, perennial grasses such as orchardgrass, timothy, reed canarygrass, and fescue are common...

Feb. 27, 2017
Geralds likes to bale his alfalfa- orchardgrass fields between 12 and 15 percent moisture. Each of his six balers is equipped with a moisture tester...

Feb. 15, 2017
Ron Tombaugh’s entrepreneurial nature helped him successfully integrate a haying and trucking business. In Streator, Ill., the epicenter of corn and soybean country, Tombaugh bought his first round baler...

Nov. 2, 2016
The author is the Hay & Forage Grower editorial intern and a student at South Dakota State University. Ed Ballard has been managing the Dudley Smith Farm since its establishment in 1995...

Oct. 24, 2016
At one time, baling hay was one of the most stressful times of the year for Maddox Dairy. “I don’t think Grandpa ever slept at night during the haying season,” said Steven Maddox, wh...

May 18, 2016
You only need to spend a few minutes talking to Al Wehner before you realize that he really enjoys life, especially his forage, cows, and family...

March 24, 2016
The author is a dairy nutritional consultant and freelance agricultural writer based out of Connecticut. Early spring grass provides enough protein, energy and dry matter intake for milk pr...