Feb. 19, 2016
I t was a grass that time forgot — until a Wisconsin grazier rediscovered it decades later and research showed that it had great potential as a pasture grass...

Feb. 2, 2016
Tall fescue, despite its long history as a primary U.S. pasture grass, may still be the most mismanaged and misunderstood perennial forage that we have. The tall fescue story in the U.S. is unm...

Jan. 26, 2016
When it comes to enhancing ranch profit, Johann Zietsman says the most important determinant will always be stocking rate. In mid-August, Zietsman, a cattleman from Zimbabwe, along with Fl...

Jan. 26, 2016
Sorghum-sudangrass, sunflower and cowpea mixture planting to be grazed by beef cows during the transition from fescue to another forage species. Tall fescue comprises the main forage species...

Dec. 15, 2015
Winter pastures in the form of cereal grains such as rye, wheat and triticale are the backbone for adding weight to stockers or keeping growing heifers in good condition...

Nov. 10, 2015
by Jesse Bussard The fruit of opportunity couldn’t be riper for the picking in the grass-fed beef sector right now. Now a $2.5 billion industry, predictions from industry experts suggest within the...

Oct. 6, 2015
The author is a professor and extension weed management specialist at the University of Tennessee.Interest in hybrid bermudagrass for high-quality hay production has climbed the radar in recent y...

Sept. 22, 2015
The author is an associate professor and extension forage specialist at the University of Georgia.Dairy producers have to keep a sharp pencil to ensure the milk check covers all their costs, but there...

Aug. 25, 2015
It’s time. Time for stockpiling pastures in an effort to extend the grazing season and conserve stored hay reserves. “Stockpiling forage is one of least expensive ways of feeding cattle,”...

June 30, 2015
Summer generally brings warm to hot temperatures and less frequent rainfall. Rory Lewandowski, extension educator in Wayne County, Ohio, notes that cool-season grass pastures grow best when temperatures are cool to warm and moisture is plentiful. Thus, seemingly every summer, there is a slump in pasture productivity. Although summer weather conditions are not conducive to high yields with cool-season grasses, there are some grazing management practices that can help...