Aug. 21, 2023
As we wrap up the 2023 growing season, it’s easy to focus on other areas of farm and ranch enterprises, but there are still opportunities to make improvements to pastures...

Aug. 8, 2023
Its complexities are many. It is both a blessing and a curse . . . loved and hated. Many have trouble living with it, but they would never engage the thought of living without it. This is the world of...

July 18, 2023
Miller Adams created 50-foot corridors between every 50 feet of trees in his silvopasture system. He then seeded the open areas to switchgrass to promote better forage production during the summer...

June 20, 2023
Making a drought management plan months before the grazing season begins is like having a head start in a race; however, it’s not too late to step up to the starting line...

May 30, 2023
The productivity of a perennial grass pasture is quite literally anchored in its root system...

May 3, 2023
To have healthy, functioning grasslands that are nutritious as livestock forage, productive over time, resilient in the face of periodic droughts, that resist the erosive action of intense thunderstorms, and that extract nutrients from soil efficiently, these swards need a vigorous root system!...

April 25, 2023
Who would have thought not too many years ago that crabgrass would reach the rock-star status it now enjoys? Even its name isn’t particularly enticing.Okay, maybe there are some of you who sti...

April 4, 2023
Brock and Heidi Terrell are third-generation beef producers in northwest Nebraska. They don’t need convincing that strip grazing is the way to go when utilizing fall-grown cover crops for lactating...

April 3, 2023
It might not appeal or even occur to cattle producers to bring sheep or goats into their grazing operation, but multispecies grazing can benefit the forage, the ecosystem, the cattle, and the bottom line. This is especially true when transitioning to regenerative grazing...

March 31, 2023
The Year of the Great Inflation is how many people will remember 2022. Among the numerous things that inflated in 2022 was the price of nitrogen fertilizer. It seems every time the nitrogen price goes up, there is a surge of interest in interseeding legumes in pastures and hayfields. Should times of high fertilizer prices be the only time we think about legumes as a nitrogen source for our pastures?...