Imagine a hay feeding system where you do not have to use a tractor for months at a time while you also build up pasture fertility without applying commercial fertilizer...
GRAZING management during the active growing season is largely about the plants and the soil. Our focus is maximizing solar energy capture and building soil health...
During fall, many producers in the South put a cover crop plan in to action — perhaps seeding small grains, winter peas, vetch, or clovers into their dormant warm-season, perennial grass pastures...
There is a lot of discussion these days about building soil health using improved grazing strategies. The currently popular approach is being called “regenerative grazing,”...
Photo: Greg Judy Green Pasture Farms in central Missouri comprises many fields that were once idle cropland shrouded with shrubs and trees. It wasn’t until Greg Judy, owner of the farm, took ov...
Many livestock farms and ranches have different classes of livestock on pasture at the same time of year. Separating stock classes on the basis of their nutrient requirements makes sense...
Forage management rules are everywhere. They are intended to be quick, easy ways to help guide choices as you learn. These rules are great guiding principles...
Missouri produced 1.91 million calves in 2020, yet the University of Missouri estimates that only 500,000 calves are kept in the state after weaning...