For much of the U.S., frost is within a page turn of the calendar. That means the prussic acid poisoning alarm for sorghum-related species will promptly be sounded. In the near future, however, there...
Pasture managers have a different-looking toolbox than most farmers. Somewhere deep in the corner of those toolboxes, buried under the grasses and legumes, are the brassicas. Although they are n...
Forage harvesters have a plethora of moving parts and possible adjustments. In part, this is so the machines can be fine-tuned to the many different types of crops that may be chopped in a given...
I’m not a Facebook social butterfly; in fact, I don’t have any friends on the social media behemoth. That’s by choice, and thankfully, I have plenty of good friends in real life.Even without fri...
We hear a lot about “value-added” these days. When margins are tight, farmers figure out ways to get more money from the same raw product. Often, that involves skipping the middle man and realizin...
Few people get it exactly right the first time, but designing a fencing and watering system plays a large role in the efficiency and productivity of the overall grazing system. According to University...
August marks a significant demarcation date for forage producers. With only a month of what we typically consider summer left, the start of the cooler fall season becomes reality with a one-page flip...
Farmers are known to have strong opinions and often readily express them. From a pasture management perspective, few topics illicit stronger feelings than when the clipping topic is put on the table.I...
There are many routes to high-yielding alfalfa, but few of them don’t go down the potassium road. I was reminded of this after reading a recently published five-year study in Agronomy Journal that w...