July 14, 2015
By Glenn Shewmaker Extension Forage Specialist University of Idaho May stocks of hay are up in Idaho, but the untold story is that much of it is junk hay. We had dry weather up until it was time to c...

July 14, 2015
In last week's eHay Weekly "Road Trip" report from Georgia, University of Georgia Extension forage specialistDennis Hancock indicated that bermudagrass stem maggot was being found in the sout...

July 14, 2015
Light trade and meager amounts of dairy quality hay this week in many states. Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid (FOB) for selected states at the end of the day on Friday, July...

July 13, 2015
This week we first take a look at what was in the form of the June precipitation map for the U.S. Count yourself unlucky if you reside in those areas that set new wetness records; and even more...

July 7, 2015
"Benefits to storing forages by cutting date or hybrid type include better forage quality through improved fermentation and the option to target peak lactation cow groups to receive the highest...

July 6, 2015
Alfalfa hay prices reported to USDA from selected locations Forage Quality Location Premium+ Good Fair Colorado $200-205 $175-195 $100-125 Iowa $140 $1...

July 3, 2015
Researchers at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center in Madison, Wis., compared the drying rates of three cool-season grass species to determine if there were differences. Meadow fescue, orchardgrass and reed canarygrass were cut and swathed once the heading stage was reached in early June 2011 and 2012...

July 3, 2015
Though bermudagrass is expected to be a long-lived, productive species, there are situations where stands begin to thin or totally die over time...

July 3, 2015
By Phil Kaatz,Forages & Field Crops Educator,Michigan State University-Extension, Ev Thomas, Agronomist Oak Point Agronomics, New York, Dennis Hancock...

July 3, 2015
A picture is worth a thousand words and what topic is more pertinent to haymaking than weather? Here are this week's weather maps from the National Weather Service. It's still dry in the West and st...