June 17, 2015
Bobcat Company has released its first Tier 4-compliant 700 frame-size loader. The S740 is powered by an engine that is under 75 horsepower and doesn’t require a diesel particulate filter (DPF), selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or diesel exhaust fluid (DEF). ...

June 16, 2015
By Glenn Shewmaker Extension Forage Specialist University of Idaho May stocks of hay are up in Idaho, but the untold story is that much of it is junk hay. We had dry weather up until it was tim...

June 16, 2015
Most reporters to USDA noted light volumes as new crop alfalfa was being harvested in much of the country. Often there were not tests on all quality levels. Some locations mentioned that demand was st...

June 16, 2015
A National Forage Week is being officially recognized for the first time in 2015 from June 21 to 27...

June 16, 2015
The availability and price of urea have made it a popular fertilizer choice for many different crops, including forage grasses...

June 12, 2015
While it appears parts of Texas and Oklahoma have started to move out of the four-year drought, no one knows what future environmental conditions hold, said a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service econ...

June 9, 2015
The April year-to-year price received for all hay types declined by $15 per ton across the 27 reporting states in USDA's Agricultural Prices report released May 28. This was not surprising given the build-up in hay stocks from 2014 to 2015. ...

June 9, 2015
Frequent rains kept Streater, Ill., hay grower Ron Tombaugh from getting first-cut harvested as early as he would have liked. Tombaugh raises nearly 300 acres of alfalfa in north central Illinois...

June 8, 2015
Average feeding rates of dry alfalfa hay declined in California during 2014 as the average cost of hay pushed over $300 per ton. This trend was documented in the California Cost of Production Annual 2014, which is produced each year by the state's Department of Food and Agriculture Cost of Production Unit. ...

June 8, 2015
Forages & Field Crops Educator, Michigan State University-Extension Michigan survived the winter with little reported damage due to winterkill or heaving. First cutting began the third week o...