January 3, 2017· According to the World Agricultural Outlook Board’s weekly report, the state with the highest percentage of its hay acreage currently experiencing some leve...
Problems with toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue usually come front and center in the heat of summer when cattle body temperatures rise and blood flow is reduced.Severe cold temperatures can also be...
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of...
In last week’s eHay Weekly we took a look at the big picture from USDA’s 2016 Crop Production Annual Summary. From that same report, here’s a list of the top five states as they ranked for acrea...
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of t...
Water shortages in the West have prompted farmers and researchers to explore strategies that will cut water usage while at the same time maintaining profitable alfalfa yields. According to Dan Putnam...
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of the...
Forage sorghum, usually thought of as a Southern crop, has gained traction in the North during recent years. On some dairy farms, it’s being used for both heifer and/or milking cow feed.Forage sorgh...
With milk, beef, and hay prices being on the south side of desired for sellers of those commodities in 2016, one tidbit of good news on the input side of the ledger can be found in fertilizer prices.I...
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of the day...