Feb. 23, 2016
HFG:You’ve been an informative, passionate voice for management-intensive grazing for many years. When did you first realize that this is what you wanted to make your life-long calling?...

Feb. 23, 2016
In last Friday's USDA Cattle report, there were 92 million head of cattle and calves on U.S. farms as of January 1. This was an increase of 3 percent from a year ago and is the highest cattle i...

Feb. 23, 2016
It’s no secret that alfalfa fixes significant amounts of nitrogen (N) that benefits a subsequent grass crop and reduces or eliminates the need to purchase N fertilizer. The amount of available...

Feb. 23, 2016
“Accurately measuring pasture forage intake, whether warm or cool-season annuals, remains one of our greatest challenges,” says Nicolas DiLorenzo, beef specialist for the University of Florida...

Feb. 23, 2016
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of the day on...

Feb. 16, 2016
Kay Ledbetter, Texas A&M AgriLife Communications Farmers in the South no longer can take for granted a healthy, productive sorghum crop — even for forage. While researchers and plant...

Feb. 16, 2016
Forage testing is an ever-evolving industry. Whereas early forage testing results might only have had a half dozen tested parameters, today’s test is a plethora of metrics . . . and that’s j...

Feb. 16, 2016
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of the day on...

Feb. 9, 2016
Very light sales volume noted in many reports. Many people are asking if sales will pick up before the 2016 crop starts getting made. Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB...

Feb. 9, 2016
Across much of the Wheat Belt it is not uncommon to graze beef cattle on the vegetative growth through winter and then also harvest a grain crop from the same field...