Jan. 19, 2016
Though snow is not always a welcome occurrence, for alfalfa growers there is nothing that aids winter survival of the crop better than a good blanket of the white stuff. “Alfalfa loves snow,” says Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska forage agronomist. “As single digit and below zero temperatures arrive, be happy if you received snow recently,” he notes. In a recent edition of Nebraska’s CropWatch, Anderson explains that last fall’s moderate weather...

Jan. 12, 2016
Hay stocks are as high as they've been for the past 10 years. Still, it's probably not a good enough reason to waste hay. Hay in storage is like money in the bank —...

Jan. 12, 2016
A 12-week feeding trial completed in New York in 2015 compared shredlage and conventionally processed corn silage. The study results were recently reported by Sally Flis, feed and crops support specia...

Jan. 12, 2016
Reports this week were somewhat mixed. Some indicated a rise in sales activity to start the new year, while others noted light volumes. Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid F...

Jan. 5, 2016
Some states did not file reports last week because of the New Years holiday. When no report was available, prices were carried over from the previous week. Below are examples of alfalfa and grass...

Jan. 5, 2016
Wheat pastures are widely used to overwinter stocker cattle in the southern U.S. From a mineral perspective, wheat provides marginal to sufficient levels of phosphorus and magnesium and is high...

Jan. 5, 2016
The USDA average November price for alfalfa fell from $156 to $150 per ton. This is the lowest November price since 2010 and was $32 below the November 2014 value...

Dec. 29, 2015
Hay Pellets...

Dec. 29, 2015
In this day and age there is a tendency to list and/or rank virtually everything (just look at the bottom of many web pages or watch ESPN for five minutes). Such exercises often make for good di...

Dec. 29, 2015
If you weren't able to attend the Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium held earlier this month in Reno, Nev., over 30 of the presentations are now available on video for web viewing. Proceedi...