Jan. 15, 2018
Now that the new year is underway, we can look back and see what happened in the previous year. One farm item that saw an uptick in value was farm equipment...

Nov. 27, 2017
Don’t look now, but harvest season is wrapping up and this year, like most in recent memory, has brought its fair share of unpredictability. As always, some areas fared better than others...

Aug. 31, 2017
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “There are only two things certain in life: death and taxes.” This statement still rings true today, but on most farms I think we could also add two more items...

April 30, 2017
The busy season is upon many of us. Hay mowers all across the country are firing up and heading to the field. In some regions, the mower is then followed by one or more passes with a tedder...

March 1, 2017
Down here in the Southern states it is already “go time” for most dairies and those putting up winter annuals...

Feb. 24, 2017
Now that winter is in full effect, most grain farmers are either ice fishing or taking a vacation at the beach, but not us hay guys...

Feb. 1, 2017
In the fast-paced world of farming, it can be a real challenge to keep up with current technology and all of the new and improved equipment in the marketplace...

Jan. 26, 2017
Hay season is winding down for most of us, and all of this year’s crop, or lack thereof in some cases, is in the barn. It was usually about this time of year when my dad and I would start to look back at the previous haying season and discuss what we could have done differently or better...

Nov. 9, 2016
As summertime comes to a close, there is usually a different buzz on the radio. I’m not talking about on your Sirius or FM dial. I’m talking about all of the chatter that will be on the CB r...