The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has been named administrator of the US technical advisory group (US TAG) for ISO/TC 293, Feed Machinery. The US TAG serves as the committee responsible for coordinating the US position on ISO standards related to machinery for animal feed.
Established earlier this year, ISO/TC 293 will oversee the development of international standards for individual machines, processing systems, environmental protection, and specific technical requirements of feed machinery used in processing mills.
TC/293 was established despite formally expressed concerns by various US organizations that questioned its need. Engagement through the US TAG is now crucial to ensuring US interests are represented. Those with the expertise and interest in participating in the work of the US TAG are encouraged to contact Scott Cedarquist (cedarq@asabe.org; 269/932-7031) for more information.
ASABE is recognized worldwide as a standards developing organization for food, agricultural, and biological systems, with more than 250 standards currently in publication. Conformance to ASABE standards is voluntary, except where required by state, provincial, or other governmental requirements, and the documents are developed by consensus in accordance with procedures approved by the American National Standards Institute. For information on this or any other ASABE standards activity, contact Scott Cedarquist at 269-932-7031, cedarq@asabe.org. A current listing of all ASABE standards projects can be found on the ASABE web site at www.asabe.org/projects.
ASABE is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. Further information on the Society can be obtained by contacting ASABE at (269) 429-0300, emailing hq@asabe.org or visiting www.asabe.org/.