The Harvest Tec H20 Precision Moisture Sensor with industry leading accuracy is now available for all balers. The new hard-wired system uses patented side-to-side sensing technology that reads hay moisture across the full width of the bale five times each second between dual star wheels for large and small square balers or between dual discs for round balers. It accurately measures moisture from 6% to 60% on round balers and up to 70% on square balers for producers making high moisture or dry hay bales. The system is efficient, cost-effective and ideal for the operator who wants to instantly and conveniently know the moisture levels of the material being baled.
The H20 moisture sensor uses the operator’s smart phone or tablet as the monitor. The control is mounted in the cab and is hard wire connected via the charging cable to the operator’s device, using the free H20 app from Harvest Tec.
The H2O Precision Moisture Sensor is ideally designed for all baler operators who want to view crop moisture with simplicity and accuracy as it is being baled with a durable, reliable, lower cost sensing and monitoring system.

Bale marking capability

A bale marking option is a significant feature of the system, used to identify bale moisture levels. The operator establishes a moisture threshold, and if the average moisture of the bale exceeds that level, the bale is marked with a food grade dye as it exits the baler. Throughout the process, the operator observes all bale moisture readings in real-time on the smart phone or tablet device, while still being able to make and receive phone calls.
Harvest Tec’s new H2O Precision Moisture Sensor and Bale Marker are available through your hay tools dealer. For more information, contact your dealer, visit www.harvesttec.com or call (800) 635-7468.