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The system monitors hay moisture with two star wheel sensors at the bale chamber entrance. The sensors use conductivity to read levels through the entire bale from 5 to 70 percent, and provide the most accurate measurement in the industry.
Based on predetermined application rates set by the operator, the system’s control module activates a single bypass pump that supplies constant pressure to dual pulsating solenoids for instant response to changing moisture levels, controlling rates from 24 to 800 pounds per hour. Using the latest component technology results in precision delivery throughout the entire system, and most importantly, to the spray tips, ensuring precise application of the preservative to effectively protect the crop.
A choice of monitors
Baler operators can observe the continually changing moisture levels on their choice of monitoring device…viewing on the Harvest Tec virtual display, an Android™ or Apple® tablet, or with most baler monitors. Information displayed includes current moisture levels, the reading of the last bale, amount of preservative being applied as well as the target rate, the average amount of preservative used and the total amount for the job being done. It also shows the current baling rate and the number of bales made. Job records contain additional information including the average moisture for the field and the total tonnage baled.
The new 700 Preservative Applicator can make higher quality feed for the cattleman and dairyman, and make bales with greater monetary value for producers who market their hay.
Harvest Tec’s new 700 Applicator is available now through your hay tools dealer. For more information, contact your dealer, visit or call (800) 635-7468.