DuPont Pioneer announced 2015 North American harvest results today – highlighting another year of helping growers reach peak yields and maximize their productivity using Pioneer® brand products and services.
“In today’s complex environment, growers often rely on a team of professionals to help support their operation, and we are proud to be a part of their team,” said Steve Reno, DuPont Pioneer vice president, regional director – U.S. and Canada. “Despite some challenging growing conditions this year, Pioneer® brand products, EncircaSM services, Pioneer® GrowingPoint® agronomy and Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment (PPST) offerings helped many DuPont Pioneer customers harvest some of their best yields yet.”
Newest Corn Hybrid Classes Lead Performance
In a year of softening corn prices and variable weather across North America, growers were able to minimize risks and protect their bottom line with high-yielding Pioneer® brand corn products. The newest – and highest performing – Pioneer® brand corn hybrids will comprise more than half of the 2016 line-up available to growers.
“Excitement is growing as our Pioneer field teams have been busy weighing grain and recording Yield Heroes across the country,” Reno said. “Our strong breeding programs have continued to provide genetic improvements for yield stability across many environments.”
Growers saw a good return with the addition of Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment (PPST) 250 plus DuPont™ Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment, which is exclusively available on Pioneer® brand corn hybrids to enhance protection and performance of Pioneer product platforms. Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment provides increased protection from early-season insect pests, and on-farm trials showed the addition of Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment to PPST 250 increased corn yield by an average of 2.5 bushels an acre. Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment will be available on most new corn platforms for 2016.
Pioneer® brand Qrome™ products demonstrated strong performance in IMPACT™ research trials in 2015. Qrome products will offer pyramided insect protection and strong agronomics across a wide range of hybrid corn platforms to provide improved yields for growers.Strong Soybean Performance and Technology Options
Strong Soybean Performance and Technology Options
Pioneer® brand soybean varieties also showed strong performance in 2015. In on-farm trials, the top 40 Pioneer® brand soybean varieties, representing 50 percent of Pioneer North American soybean sales volume, out-yielded the competition.
“New products like Pioneer® variety P28T08R, P31T11R and P47T36R are turning heads and filling grain bins,” said Reno.
Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans also helped boost bottom lines with competitive yields and processor-paid premiums on every bushel grown. Demand for Plenish® high oleic soybeans has nearly doubled every year since its introduction due to a significantly enhanced oil profile versus commodity soybean oil.
A majority of farmers growing Pioneer® brand soybeans in 2015 chose to protect their seed investment with the Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment offering. The proprietary offering helps boost yields by getting soybeans off to a strong start. Pioneer trials from across United States in 2015 demonstrated the complete Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment offering boosted yields 5 percent versus untreated soybeans 80 percent of the time.
In 2016, pending regulatory approval, Pioneer also will offer Pioneer® brand soybeans with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ technology, an important advancement to combat weed resistance.
Services and Agronomy Resources Extend Value
Pioneer expanded on its Encirca℠ services offerings this year with the launch of additional input management services including Encirca℠ Yield Stand Service and Encirca℠ Yield Fertility Management Service. The services help growers manage precision planting and soil nutrients like phosphorus, potassium and lime, while building on the success of the Encirca℠ Yield Nitrogen Management Service launched in 2014.
Encirca℠ services were sold on more than 1 million acres this year and positive trial results are driving strong orders for 2016. Many growers have cited the value of having a local Encirca℠ certified services agent who can work with them to tailor Encirca℠ services to their operation.
“Pioneer is committed to grower success from start to finish,” said Reno. “We have created a team of more than 250 Encirca℠ certified services agents who are building on our legacy of expertise in research and agronomy with new capabilities in weather, soil mapping and data analytics to provide powerful input management solutions for growers to maximize yields and lower costs. We are producing the best possible seed products and integrating them with the best services and expertise in the field.”
To help support this, Pioneer® GrowingPoint® agronomy services plant thousands of on-farm trials across the Corn Belt covering everything from seed selection and pest management to soil fertility and tillage practices. Results from the trials lead to important insights about how growers can improve their own yields.
DuPont Pioneer is the world’s leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics, providing high-quality seeds to farmers in more than 90 countries. Pioneer provides agronomic support and services to help increase farmer productivity and profitability and strives to develop sustainable agricultural systems for people everywhere. Science with Service Delivering Success®.
DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering to the global marketplace in the form of innovative products, materials, and services since 1802. The company believes that by collaborating with customers, governments, NGOs, and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to such global challenges as providing enough healthy food for people everywhere, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and protecting life and the environment. For additional information about DuPont and its commitment to inclusive innovation, please visit www.dupont.com.