• Year-over-year milk production in the U.S. was down 0.2% from August 2022 at 19 billion pounds, according to the USDA’s Milk Production report. The nation’s dairy herd had roughly 16,000 fewer cows than last year and production per cow was down approximately 1 pound.
• South Dakota had the greatest uptick in milk production from last year at 6%, whereas New Mexico showed the biggest decline in milk production with an 8% drop since August 2022.
• Cattle and calveson feed in feedlots with the capacity of 1,000 or more head in the U.S. slaughter market totaled 11.1 million head. This is about 2% lower than inventory last year.
• Placements in feedlotsduring August were 2 million head, which is down 5% from last year. Marketings of fed cattle were 1.9 million head, falling 6% year over year.
• Learnabout the role of dung beetles in grazing systems.
• The USDA’sCrop Production report estimates corn production will be 15.1 billion bushels, which is up 1% from the August report and is 10% greater than last year’s total production. Acres of corn harvested for grain are also estimated to be 10% greater than 2022. In the same report, soybean production was pegged 3% less than 2022 at 4.15 billion bushels.
•Buckeye poisoningcan affect grazing livestock this fall, in addition to prussic acid poisoning.•Learn how to effectively manage riparian areas in grazing systems.•Corn silage yields are sufferingfrom record heat in Florida.• Follow these procedureswhen taking fall soil samples.
• Alfalfa hay exportsto all countries 171,756 metric tons (MT) in July, according to the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. This monthly total is down 13% from June and down 35% from July 2022.
• Saudi Arabiaimported 66,449 MT of U.S. alfalfa hay, surpassing China to secure the top spot for export sales in July. China imported 44,211 MT of alfalfa hay, and Japan imported 26,891 MT.
• All hay exports,including hay other than alfalfa, totaled 249,572 MT in July, which is 19% lower than July 2022.
• Now is the timeto control weeds in pastures and hayfields.
• These are the consequencesof cutting alfalfa during the critical fall period.
• Here are some tipsfor fall alfalfa establishment.
• The University of Nebraskaoffers advice for dealing with grasshoppers, pasture weeds, and wet hay.
• Know the risksof silo gases before storing forage this season.
• There are advantagesto soil testing in the fall rather than the spring.
• The 2023 Kentucky Beginning Grazing Schoolwill be September 27 and 28. Registration ends September 22. Click here for more information.