July 30, 2024 08:24 AM

Satelytics' vegetation speciation algorithms identified challenges by alerting Envu's landowners and ranchers to signs of invasive species across their terrain

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Satelytics, a leader in automated cloud-based geospatial analytics, today announced the successful results of its ongoing partnership with Envu, the company behind the land management and decision-making tool, RangeView. Through Satelytics’ advanced AI-powered geospatial analytics technology, landowners and ranchers partnered with Envu can precisely identify and target invasive species for herbicide treatment, building resilience and allowing the ranch to reach its full potential, restoring productivity to their rangelands.

Geospatial analytics is an efficient and cost-effective tool that uses multispectral and hyperspectral imagery gathered from satellites, UAVs, planes, and fixed cameras to provide both alerts and qualitative results for ranchers and landowners. Satelytics deployed a suite of proprietary algorithms, coupled with Envu's RangeView digital platform, to proactively identify threats on ranches. The high spatial resolution images were analyzed by Satelytics and delivered via RangeView™ to ranching customers, providing detailed insights into the challenges faced by contemporary landowners and ranchers—and pointing towards a brighter future for the world's oldest enterprise.

"We are passionate about helping landowners and ranchers address their land challenges. Our goal is to ultimately allow the natural landscape to recover and restore itself from the invasive species – helping to increase productivity and profitability for our customers," said Craig Hossfeld, Envu, Digital Services Product Manager. “The sheer scope of the monitored terrain for our customers means that the ability of ranchers to inspect them from the ground can be limited. Satelytics, by contrast, can regularly ingest and analyze data from satellites, allowing the results to be fed into the RangeView platform to deliver critical insights.”

Hossfeld noted that the results from Satelytics are sent to RangeView via APIs and then made available for ranching customers to view on the RangeView platform.

The proliferation of invasive species across the world has had disastrous economic consequences, costing the global economy more than $420 billion yearly according to one study. Left to spread unchecked, species like cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata can destroy a rancher's land. But trying to locate these species can be incredibly difficult when ranchers are dealing with properties that span hundreds to thousands of acres. Manual inspection in this context is time-consuming, increasing the likelihood that problem areas will be missed, and infestations will continue to grow.

"America runs on the hard work of its ranchers, and that work is jeopardized when invasive species are allowed to run rampant across valuable terrain," said Sean Donegan, President and CEO of Satelytics. "Our ability to draw multidimensional insights from high-resolution imagery has allowed us to help Envu and its clients tackle head-on some of the most pressing problems facing landowners and ranchers across the country, halting invasive species before they can spread out of control and ensuring the health of our broader agricultural ecosystem."

About Satelytics

Satelytics is a software company producing geospatial analytics for early detection, location and — in many instances — quantification of our customers’ most pressing challenges. The Ohio-based company uses science, software and technology to deliver valuable services to customers to identify problems before they become disasters – environmentally, financially, or otherwise. Learn more about Satelytics here.

About Envu:

Envu was founded in 2022 as a company built on a half-century of environmental science experience for the sole purpose of advancing healthy environments for everyone, everywhere. We offer dedicated services in: Professional Pest Management, Forestry, Ornamentals, Golf, Industrial Vegetation Management, Lawn & Landscape, Mosquito Management, and Range & Pasture. Across each of our lines of business, we are partnering with our customers to ensure that nature and society can thrive together.