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The study was conducted by Agricultural Research of Wisconsin (AGRES) in an established alfalfa field near Oregon, Wisconsin. The trial evaluated different rates of Wolf Trax Boron DDP coated onto a granular fertilizer blend, as well as a standard rate of Granubor.
AGRES broadcast-applied the fertilizer after the first and second cuts. AGRES then took tissue samples from each harvest to measure the alfalfa RFV. They saw an immediate response from the Boron DDP applications.
The largest alfalfa RFV increase was seen with the highest rate (1.8 lb/ac) of Wolf Trax Boron DDP. That treatment improved the second-cutting alfalfa’s RFV from a fair rating to a premium rating.

At the third cutting, all the boron fertilizer products improved the alfalfa RFV from premium to supreme.

For more details on this alfalfa fertilizer trial, download the Field Insights document.
By coating each granule in the dry fertilizer blend, Wolf Trax Boron DDP® delivers a safe and even application of the micronutrient across the field. With more points of interception, alfalfa plants can more readily access the nutrient for quicker uptake.