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Make plans today to attend the January 2017 Heart of America Grazing Conference. The event is scheduled January 18-19, 2017 at the Quincy, Illinois Holiday Inn. “If you are a grazier in the Midwest and you want to stay on top of the latest issues and research, I encourage you to consider attending this event,” says Ivan Dozier, State Conservationist for USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Big names, popular speakers, and hot topics will be plentiful at the annual event that gathers livestock graziers from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, and Kentucky. According to Cliff Schuette of the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI), “We’ll also offer participants a great pre-conference tour at a grass-fed meat company located just 20 minutes away in Canton, Missouri. You don’t want to miss it.”
“The conference is not just for current livestock producers,” Dozier adds. “Row crop producers can learn about benefits and use of cover crops as well as cover crops and grazing options.”
Topics of discussion include:
· Soil Health & Grazing, Ray Archuleta
· Adaptive high stock density grazing, Dr. Allen Williams
· Tall Fescue research & management
· Genetic tests for tall fescue toxicosis
· Nutrient Management
· Cover crops & grazing
Make your conference registration before January 10th and get both days for just $75 or one day for $50. Students can attend for just $20. CCA credits are available. Visit and look for the online registration.