March 22, 2016
Alfalfa growers would not be happy to see a field riddled with large diseased areas as in the accompanying image. But, who would have ever imagined that a military surveillance tool...

March 22, 2016
Producing hay for the horse market can be a profitable enterprise but brings a different set of considerations compared to selling hay destined for ruminant livestock. At the recent Wester...

March 22, 2016
If you think weed herbicide resistance is just a row crop problem . . . think again. “North America leads the world in herbicide resistant weeds, and it’s becoming a growing issue for...

March 21, 2016
Many do not understand what fall dormancy really is and its value to alfalfa growers. Fall dormancy is the ability of alfalfa to grow tall in the fall. It is measured by determining plant...

March 15, 2016
The beauty and curse of a biological system is that we always play the averages and probabilities because very few things happen 100 percent of the time. For any given question there are...

March 8, 2016
For those in areas of the country where winter actually exists — real snow with drivable lakes — you’ve been looking at brown or white alfalfa fields for several months. All of that is about to change . . . hopefully. It’s that time of year when the sight of new, green alfalfa shoots is as welcomed as the Publisher’s Clearinghouse people on the front doorstep. Conversely, there is also the other scenario when green is nowhere to be found and reality sets...

March 1, 2016
There are a lot of opinions about applying manure to established alfalfa; okay, maybe there are really just two: yea or nay. We’ll save established alfalfa for another day...

Feb. 25, 2016
Versatility is always a commendable attribute and Texas A&M University’s Russ Jessup is developing a new grass plant that can be used for both forage or as a biofuel...

Feb. 25, 2016
Wheel-line irrigation system. Moisture stress to alfalfa regrowing after a cutting has the greatest impact on yield...

Feb. 25, 2016
Growing forage legumes in the southeastern U.S. can be challenging. The combination of warm weather, high moisture and sandy soils provide a perfect environment for a variety of crop pests and disease...