April 27, 2021
As the weather starts to warm up for most of the country, farmers begin to get restless after a long winter of shop hours...

Feb. 16, 2021
Most farmers think their machinery salesman is just someone who wants to sell the next unit, but a good sales representative also wants to help you succeed with your operation...

Feb. 2, 2021
In last week’s eHay Weekly, we summarized a panel discussion that was offered at the American Forage and Grassland Council’s annual meeting...

Jan. 20, 2021
Baleage, the ensiling of wilted forage in round bales wrapped in UV-resistant, stretch wrap plastic, is a beneficial option for making high-quality stored forage in the humid regions of the U.S...

May 26, 2020
My wife does most of the cooking at our house. She is more skilled and discerning than I am when it comes to preparing a meal. My rule of thumb is that if you have to mix two or more ingredients toget...

March 17, 2020
It’s time to take inventory of the current state of sorghum species as a forage resource in more humid regions of the United States. Of course, sorghums will always be a go-to crop in semi-arid area...

Nov. 27, 2019
How forage particle size and NDF digestibility interact to affect dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield is a hot topic among dairy nutritionists...

Feb. 21, 2019
Producers in the Midwestern, Western, and Northern states are no strangers to the benefits of alfalfa. They know alfalfa is an excellent source of protein and digestible energy for livestock...

Jan. 29, 2019
Generally speaking, trends in the forage industry develop at a sluggish pace. There are probably good reasons for this lack of alacrity. It takes time for technologies to develop and even more time fo...

Aug. 31, 2018
Over two-thirds of all agricultural land in the U.S. is grasslands, with a large economic value as well as many ecosystem benefits. Forage crop systems enjoyed maximum popularity in the middle of the 20th century after the Dust Bowl era, with pastures and hayfields recognized for their soil conservation benefits. In those times, the land-grant college system provided significant funding, infrastructure, and support for a relatively large number of forage crop scientists...