Dairy cattle and other ruminants are biologically designed to convert forages and other fibrous feeds into high-quality milk and meat for human consumption...
There’s an old saying that goes something like this: “You can’t get blood out of a turnip.” It often is used in context with trying to get money out of someone who is either excessively frugal...
Is robotic milking continues to grow in the U.S., we are gaining knowledge and understanding of the interactions between nutrition, cow comfort, animal behavior, and facility design...
Of the several types of silos used commercially, pile silos, which ensile forage under a plastic cover after packing, are popular in many areas, especially on large farms...
Besides providing energy for maintenance and lactation, forages stimulate chewing and salivation, rumination, gut motility and health, regulate feed consumption, and are the structural basis of the ruminal mat...
Similar to how my brother (an Air Force pilot) redirects his focus when conditions change, I’ve shifted the focus of my nutrition talks and meetings from discussing ways to boost production or gains...