Aug. 11, 2015
Though corn silage has never been front and center as a high-protein source in dairy rations, some consultants and dairy farmers are questioning why an increasing number of silage samples are well below book value...

Aug. 11, 2015
Stockpiling pasture forage is a tried and true method to provide forage deep into the late fall or early winter. In the most recent edition of the Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter, Chris Penrose...

Aug. 5, 2015
Dairy Forage Seminar Stage Schedule at World Dairy Expo: How much forage can we feed to dairy cows? Kenneth Kalscheur...

Aug. 4, 2015
Time is fast approaching for the seventh annual Deep South Stocker Conference that is headed to Alabama in 2015. This year's conference will be held August 6 to 7 in Montgomery...

Aug. 4, 2015
As the summer months begin to wind down, it’s time to begin thinking about winter cereal planting. One option for planting is winter triticale. Tom Kilcer, former extension educator for Cornell University...

July 28, 2015
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there is a greater than 90 percent chance that El Niño will continue through the Northern Hemisphere winter in 2015 to 2016...

July 7, 2015
"Benefits to storing forages by cutting date or hybrid type include better forage quality through improved fermentation and the option to target peak lactation cow groups to receive the highest...

June 29, 2015
Wheat stubble provides an excellent seedbed to plant forages into using no-till, according to Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska extension forage specialist...

June 29, 2015
Many hay producers are frustrated by the rainy weather, acknowledges Mark Sulc, extension forage agronomist at The Ohio State University. They know that forage quality is declining with each day that goes by...

June 23, 2015
Iowa lost 21 percent of its pasture base from 2007 to 2012, according to an Iowa Beef Center (IBC) publication released last fall and reported by Dan Loy, the center's director, in their most recent Growing Beef newsletter. During this same time frame, the Iowa beef cow herd declined by only 2 percent, significantly less than the national beef cow herd downsizing of 13 percent...