“Once pastures have been stockpiled for late fall and winter grazing, how they are utilized can dramatically impact grazing days per acre,” begins Chris Teutsch, forage extension specialist with t...
As fall ushers in cooler weather, producers often see revitalized pastures shortly before productivity drops off for the winter. While this is great for tall fescue and orchardgrass, it can also prove...
Prices for all types of hay lost ground during August, according to USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week.The all-hay price for August was pegged at $136 per ton, which wa...
Horse hay growers share their insights on growing and selling horse hay. They discuss production practices, risks, forage species, economics, and some of the challenges of producing horse hay...
“Grazing cornstalks is arguably the best cost-saving strategy that Midwestern cattlemen can deploy,” says Travis Meteer, extension educator with the University of Illinois. In a recent Cattle Con...
In the fall, a combination of wet soils and wet silage crops is never a good one. In his September issue of Crops and Soils News, Tom Kilcer outlines recommendations to deal with moisture issues this...
Advanced pasture management tools could be right at your fingertips in a few years. The University of Missouri (MU) Extension is in the process of creating a mobile application to aid decision-making...
Attaining perfect pastures may be less work than previously believed. Growers sometimes strive for complete control over weeds in order to maintain textbook monoculture pastures. Chris Teutsch, extens...
After several years of nurturing, fertilizing, and spraying an alfalfa stand to keep it productive, there comes a time when all good fields reach the end of their useful life.The reasons for alfalfa t...
“Last fall wasn’t too good of a seeding season; it was extremely dry. This fall looks like we’ll have a pretty good fall seeding season with cool temperatures and, for the most part, decent soil...