Many producers plant annual forages during the summer for winter use. However, a decision has to be made on whether to bale the forage or graze it during winter.“Producers interested in grazing the...
Winter feeding baled hay is a necessary evil once pastures go dormant. Strategies to feed baled hay are as numerous as the number of forage species being fed. One such alternative is referred to as ba...
Winter is the ideal time to prepare for the upcoming grazing season.Performing key activities in the off-season, like summarizing production and grazing records, analyzing last year’s manageme...
Mycotoxins are toxic metabolic by-products of fungi. They have haunted the livestock industry for many years.It’s nearly impossible to predict or know for sure that mycotoxin problems exist wi...
With pastures entering dormancy and cornstalk grazing underway, it will soon be time to start delivering supplemental feed to the herd. Often, hay is supplied in the form of large round bal...
Though corn draws most of the attention in the annual crop silage world, there’s expanding interest in forage sorghum as water resources become scarcer in some U.S. regions.On the Texas High Plains...
Figuring out how much fertilizer to use for forage grasses can be challenging. Applying more fertilizer than what is needed wastes money and causes excess runoff.“Fertilizer costs in forage producti...
Ryegrass and winter cereal grains are common “go to” forages in the South for overwintering beef herds and keeping dairy cows productive. These same forage options are used in other areas of the U...
When calculating winter-feed needs for cattle, correctly estimating hay or standing forage intake is essential. Forage quality determines the amount of forage consumed...
Serving as the foundation for all agricultural endeavors, soil requires our management and protection to maintain functioning ecological systems.“As part of managing for a healthy soil, cover crops...