Proper mower-conditioner adjustments can make all the difference in producing high-quality hay. Several helpful and easy tips on making those adjustments that may be unfamiliar or underutilized...
Making high-quality hay in the extreme heat of summer is challenging as alfalfa often experiences delayed growth and moisture stress, even in moist soil...
“Since it first appeared in Georgia just six years ago, bermudagrass stem maggot has infested and damaged bermudagrass throughout the southeastern United States,” says Dennis Hancock, University of Georgia...
“Proper stocking rate is the most important management decision a manager can make, regardless of goals,” says Steven Smith, wildlife and fisheries consultant for the Noble Foundation in Ardmore...
The belief that bermudagrass causes colic in horses has been bantered around for a few decades. Though more common in urban areas where the population is further disconnected from agriculture, the tho...
There are many problems that livestock producers have to deal with resulting from changing weather. If you’re grazing cattle, ergotism can be one of them. A cool, wet spring followed by early, h...
As a result of the cattle market and associated cash values dropping considerably, producers are being forced to make some difficult decisions this summer. Should you sell at weaning? Should...
The potato leafhopper sneaks into alfalfa like a thief in the night. There’s no sound, no warning, no leaf chewing, no predictive growing degree unit chart, just the aftermath carnage of yellow-tipp...
“Your cattle can be a tool used to improve the forage stand in less productive pasture areas,” said Ted Krasukopf, a Highland, Ill., beef producer. Krasukopf has observed significant ben...
“Few farming operations invite as many different opportunities for injury or fatality as a silage program,” said Keith Bolsen, Kansas State University animal science professor. When it comes to w...