April 12, 2016
A small, but effective alfalfa killer Stunted alfalfa plants with shortened internodes and white plant tissue are telltale signs that alfalfa stem nematode may be a problem...

April 12, 2016
Stunted alfalfa plants with shortened internodes and white plant tissue are telltale signs that alfalfa stem nematode may be a problem...

April 5, 2016
Placing emphasis on harvesting forage that is high quality has long been a rally cry for just about everybody in the industry — farmer to researcher. As we head into April and th...

April 5, 2016
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states...

March 29, 2016
It’s a basic axiom of forage production: Fertilize grass with nitrogen. Another more widespread axiom: There are exceptions to every rule. “If a livestock producer calls me in the spring to...

March 29, 2016
Planting corn for silage is somewhat unique compared to planting corn for grain. Hybrid selection, planting rates, and even row spacing offer different responses for silage than for grain...

March 22, 2016
Heavy rains last summer, a dry fall and the usual harsh winter conditions are all reasons why there may be more than the usual number of pastures in need of a reboot for 2016. “A lot of...

March 15, 2016
At last week’s two-day Southeast Hay Convention in Moultrie, Ga., there was a lot of alfalfa-growing discussion. “We’ll either talk you into it or out of it,” said Dennis Hancock, Georgia’s...

March 15, 2016
The recent run of warm temperatures may have some people in the mood to grease up the drill and get an early start on seeding alfalfa. “For most situations, the risks of planting early...

March 8, 2016
photo by Dennis HancockBermudagrass, a staple forage in Southern forage programs, comes in a couple of primary flavors: common and hybrid. From a productivity standpoint, hybrids are the preferred option but they possess a physiological trait uncommon to most forage species — little or no viable seed is produced. Hybrid varieties such as Coastal, Tifton 85, Tifton 44 and Jiggs must be established by sprigging, the process of planting green plant material (including...