Hay Biz is a collection of news releases from the forage industry covering product launches, employee additions, and industry events. The items below have been supplied by forage marketers and have not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.

July 18, 2023
CLAAS is excited to introduce their latest tractor lines: the XERION 12.650 and 12.590, the ARION 660, 650 and 630, as well as row-crop friendly options on the AXION 960 TT and 930 TT...

July 14, 2023
In the 1950s, Iowa was the top oat producing state in the U.S., harvesting more than 6 million acres for livestock feed...

July 14, 2023
Built on Founder Gary Vermeer’s legacy of finding a better way, for Vermeer Corporation the last 75 years have centered around impacting people and the world for the better...

June 19, 2023
E-Forage, a leading provider of cutting-edge alfalfa products, announces the highly anticipated alfalfa field day event taking place at Morning Star Farms on Tuesday, June 27th...

June 19, 2023
Roots of Resilience will host its twelfth New Cowgirl Camp at the Lazy R Ranch in Cheney, WA, from August 21-25, 2023...

June 9, 2023
Introducing Ag-Bag Boost Inoculant, a microbial inoculant to enhance forage fermentation featuring L. buchneri and B. pumilus...

June 5, 2023
The American Forage and Grassland Council is excited to celebrate the 9th Annual National Forage week on June 18-24, 2023 as an effort to raise awareness on the importance of forages and grasses...

May 24, 2023
Entries are being accepted for the World Forage Analysis Superbowl, which is open to all forage producers across North America...

May 18, 2023
Vermeer announces the opening of a 312,000-ft2 state-of-the-art Global Parts Distribution Center to support the important work customers and dealers are performing around the world...

May 17, 2023
Silostop Agri, a leading innovator in silage protection, has announced the release of their latest product, Silostop Complete, a UV-stable, incredibly tough one-step High Oxygen Barrier...