Hay Biz is a collection of news releases from the forage industry covering product launches, employee additions, and industry events. The items below have been supplied by forage marketers and have not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.

June 8, 2022
John Deere announces updates to its 5 Series Utility Tractors, which include more options to make it easier for rural property owners, farmers, ranchers and fleet owners to match the right tractor...

June 7, 2022
Recent changes to restrictions on prevent plant acres provide farmers with more options. This is good news for crop and cattle farmer Josh Larson...

June 7, 2022
It’s the goal of every alfalfa grower to harvest and preserve high-quality alfalfa silage...

May 31, 2022
To graze or not to graze? The newly debuted Heifer Grazing Compass is a spreadsheet tool designed to help farmers predict and understand the cash flow and long-term financial outcomes of deciding to raise heifers on pasture...

May 27, 2022
Livestock producers can boost milk and meat production while lowering methane emissions more than 30 percent with new in-plant bacterial inoculants unveiled today by South Dakota-based Agrovine Biologicals...

May 23, 2022
Entries are being accepted for the World Forage Analysis Superbowl, which is open to all forage producers across North America...

May 12, 2022
From robotic arms harvesting crops to drones applying fertilizer from above and autonomous tractors mowing through fields - more and more automated machines are finding their way onto the farm...

May 12, 2022
Calling all property owners with projects that need to get done in tight spaces!...

May 12, 2022
Pasture and rangeland managers have long been fighting a frustrating battle against damaging, invasive brush...

May 11, 2022
John Deere announced today it has established an allied agreement with Mike and Jason Grady of Twin Pak to better serve existing and future John Deere small square baler customers in the United States...