June 12, 2018
“We manage it as best we can.” That’s the typical response I get from livestock producers, beef or dairy, when I ask them about bloat issues from their pure or nearly pure legume pastures, espe...

April 30, 2018
Many factors should be considered when determining how much, if any, fertilizer to apply to bermudagrass pastures...

April 30, 2018
In late January, ranchers and rangeland researchers gathered together in Nevada for the Society for Range Management’s (SRM) 71st Annual Meeting...

April 30, 2018
An online search for photographs of New Zealand agriculture often results in landscapes of happy sheep grazing on lush pasture against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains...

April 30, 2018
Maintaining proper stocking rates to avoid overgrazing is the number one requirement for a financially successful ranch...

April 30, 2018
All cattle are “grass-fed” until they reach the finishing phase. Calves are usually sent to a feedlot for finishing, where they’re put on a high-concentrate diet to add marbling...

April 30, 2018
The title is a common question that I get when discussing the management of a property or when a producer considers buying or leasing a new property...

April 10, 2018
In the South, there are complaints of temperatures in the 50s. Those in the North are doing the same about lows in the teens and frequent snow showers. In both cases, spring is slow to get out of firs...

March 15, 2018
Drought is often not a question of “if” but rather “when.” Having a plan in place to get through it can keep both cattle and pastures productive...

March 15, 2018
Full disclosure — I am not an economist. However, my premise is this: For various reasons, many growers would be economically better off growing a different forage than what they have...