Anyone who knows me will tell you that I like baseball. Perhaps that’s not entirely true; my wife would say I’m obsessed with baseball.I don’t deny it...
It’s remarkable how much we’ve learned over the years about forages, their nutrient components, and how to feed them. It’s equally remarkable how much we don’t know...
The situation: A large cattle ranch in Florida was having reproductive problems that included low conception rates, embryonic losses, abortions, and a reduced live-calf crop...
“We manage it as best we can.” That’s the typical response I get from livestock producers, beef or dairy, when I ask them about bloat issues from their pure or nearly pure legume pastures, espe...
An online search for photographs of New Zealand agriculture often results in landscapes of happy sheep grazing on lush pasture against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains...
All cattle are “grass-fed” until they reach the finishing phase. Calves are usually sent to a feedlot for finishing, where they’re put on a high-concentrate diet to add marbling...