Adaptive grazing is a term describing a management approach that includes many practices such as frequent rotation of cattle and stockpiling for winter grazing...
When pitchers and catchers are called to Florida and Arizona, it brings the annual rebirth of America’s pastime. It also marks a time when pasture managers need to start frost seeding or begin givin...
Pasture-based livestock production at first glance is a simple system. Producers use herbivores to harvest forage and create something they can sell (or enjoy)...
In the various humid regions across the United States, clover species bring a commonality to the miles of separation. Their adaptability to a variety of soils and growing conditions makes them a found...
This article is the third and last in a series discussing the grass-fed beef enterprise. The information comes from a presentation made by Bruce Carpenter, livestock specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension...
Producers interested in improving forage quality and pasture productivity should consider frost-seeding clovers into existing stands as an inexpensive option to reach their goals...
Christine Su, co-founder of PastureMap, a mobile cloud-based grazing app for ranchers, said it’s her company’s mission to help farmers and ranchers be more profitable while building healthy grassl...
Many acres of pasture land were flooded in 2017. The extent of damage depends on many variables.My mama always taught me that good things come from adversity if we put our faith in the Lord. We couldn...