Nov. 10, 2020
I was fresh of out college in the late 1970s and found myself working on a large dairy and grain crop operation in southern Illinois...

Nov. 18, 2019
This year provided us one of the strangest planting seasons in recent memory. With a reported 19 million acres of prevent plant and an estimated 4 million acres of alfalfa damaged by winter weather...

Jan. 7, 2019
The most widely planted tall fescue variety today is Kentucky 31 (KY-31), which was released in 1943 by E.N. Fergus...

Feb. 15, 2018
In the Midwest, planting winter-hardy cereal grasses such as winter rye or triticale after fall-harvested corn or soybeans can provide both soil benefits and a grazing resource in the spring...

Oct. 31, 2017
University of WisconsinPerhaps no forage species is as perplexing and invokes such a wide range of emotions or adjectives as reed canarygrass. I learned this lesson early in my former extension s...

Aug. 2, 2016
Let’s make this easy — use RFQ, not RFV. You can stop here, or continue to read on. The relative forage quality (RFQ) metric for indexing forage nutritive value has now been around for over 15 ye...