Robinson is an extension dairy specialist with the University of California-Davis.

Jan. 13, 2025
Alfalfa hay has long been a premier forage for dairy cattle...

Jan. 25, 2024
The objectives of feeding cows are to provide a nutritionally balanced and relatively homogeneous ration fed in a way that suppresses selection by cows, has roughly 2% residual in the feedbunk at the end of the day, and results in uneaten residue that is spread out along the bunk...

May 15, 2023
Silages are the most important form of forage in many dairy areas, and most large dairy farms use piles as their primary silage preservation method...

Jan. 1, 2023
Fall weather often brings cool and wet conditions that can stimulate mold growth in crops prior to harvest. This can boost mycotoxin levels in silage. Mycotoxins are toxins produced by some molds...

Feb. 7, 2022
Dairy farming has accounted for a high proportion of farmland in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California for almost 50 years...

Feb. 16, 2021
Alfalfa hay has long been a premier forage for dairy cattle...

March 12, 2020
The San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California is home to about 1.7 million lactating dairy cows, and that number of cows needs a lot of forage...

March 3, 2020
HE San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California is home to about 1.7 million lactating dairy cows, andthat number of cows needs a lot of for- age...

March 20, 2019
The California dairy and alfalfa industries have been a largely successful, symbiotic duo for a very long time. However, the days of spreading alfalfa bales along a bunkline and feeding cows grain mix are long gone...

Feb. 21, 2019
Of the several types of silos used commercially, pile silos, which ensile forage under a plastic cover after packing, are popular in many areas, especially on large farms...