The author is a professor emeritus in dairy nutrition in the Department of Animal Science at Cornell University.

Feb. 1, 2023
Forages are the foundation for nutritionally sound, profitable, and rumen-healthy rations. When Randy Shaver with the University of Wisconsin-Madison surveyed high-producing Wisconsin herds, he calcul...

Dec. 31, 2021
Red clover is a legume forage that may fit some situations as a replacement for alfalfa. This forage can grow on soils not well suited for alfalfa...

Jan. 20, 2021
Forages are the foundation of nutritionally sound and rumen healthy rations. The quality and quantity of forages fed are related to milk production, purchased feed costs, and the whole farm nutrient balance...

April 6, 2020
Dairy cattle and other ruminants are biologically designed to convert forages and other fibrous feeds into high-quality milk and meat for human consumption...

March 15, 2019
The forage program on your farm is the foundation in developing a successful, efficient, and profitable feeding program...