June 10, 2024
It seems many people in the farming and ranching communities are still having a hard time coming to terms with the concept of climate change and what role human beings might play in this process...

June 4, 2024
In my last column, I had discussed how to train your grazier’s eye to conduct ongoing pasture inventories...

April 23, 2024
In my last column, I had discussed how to train your grazier’s eye to conduct ongoing pasture inventories...

Feb. 24, 2024
One of the tools I have used to assist my grazing management decisions is the pasture inventory...

Jan. 29, 2024
This past fall, I had the opportunity to visit several different regions across the U.S. and drove many miles of two-lane roads around the countryside...

Nov. 27, 2023
With the high cost of making or buying hay in recent years, I have been getting a lot of inquiries regarding swath grazing as an alternative to feeding baled hay...

Aug. 28, 2023
I talk with a lot of farmers and ranchers all across the country who are trying to transition away from hay dependence toward more dormant-season grazing...

June 1, 2023
I recently had a conversation with Dallas Mount, the CEO of Ranch Management Consultants, which is the parent company of the Ranching for Profit educational program...

March 31, 2023
The Year of the Great Inflation is how many people will remember 2022. Among the numerous things that inflated in 2022 was the price of nitrogen fertilizer. It seems every time the nitrogen price goes up, there is a surge of interest in interseeding legumes in pastures and hayfields. Should times of high fertilizer prices be the only time we think about legumes as a nitrogen source for our pastures?...

Feb. 2, 2023
Dragging pastures is a spring ritual on many farms and ranches. Also known as harrowing or brushing in different localities, the process is meant to break up manure piles from the previous grazing sea...