The author is a beef cattle specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension based in Overton, Texas.

April 23, 2024
"Should I shred my pastures?” This is a question asked by many beef cattle and forage producers...

March 31, 2023
When it comes to cow-calf production, it’s important to think about the big picture and how all decisions impact the operation. Is the goal to create a primary income for someone, generate supplementary income, or just for enjoyment with minimal losses? While it is tempting to look at gross income, the focus should be on net income and risk management...

March 10, 2022
Performance of grazing animals is primarily affected by forage quality, the animal’s ability to select plant parts, and forage intake...

April 26, 2021
Forages and grazing programs serve as the foundation of most cow-calf operations; thus, sound grazing strategies and forage management practices are vital for operational success...

March 30, 2020
As spring begins, it is a good time to look back and evaluate how the winter-feeding program went. Did the cows come through the winter in good condition or were they thinner than desired?...

March 18, 2019
This past year was a challenge for many cow-calf producers across the United States due to a lack of rain, too much rain, or unexpected weather conditions. Here are four keys that helped livestock pro...

April 30, 2018
The title is a common question that I get when discussing the management of a property or when a producer considers buying or leasing a new property...

Jan. 15, 2018
Knowing exact bale weights is advantageous when buying or selling hay and also when determining on-farm inventories.How many round bales of hay will your cows consume in a week?...

April 30, 2017
A common practice for many producers during the fall is to look for the cheapest protein and energy supplements to go along with their hay for winter feeding...

Feb. 24, 2017
Winter annual pastures can be a great option for lowering winter feeding costs by extending the grazing period and reducing or eliminating the need for traditional protein and energy supplements...