The author is an extension forage specialist with the University of Kentucky.

Feb. 21, 2025
It does not seem possible that it has been over 38 years since I started my first professional job in forages at the University of Missouri...

Nov. 25, 2024
When I started my forage career back in 1986, directing farmers to a good variety with high-quality seed was easy. I’d simply tell them to “select certified seed of an improved variety.”...

Nov. 10, 2021
Alfalfa’s high yields and forage quality make it a premier forage worldwide. If anything about alfalfa could be improved, most growers would want to extend stand longevity...

Jan. 20, 2021
Baleage, the ensiling of wilted forage in round bales wrapped in UV-resistant, stretch wrap plastic, is a beneficial option for making high-quality stored forage in the humid regions of the U.S...

May 19, 2020
POTASSIUM (K) can make a case for the “Don’t get no respect” award among the fertilizer nutrients...

March 9, 2020
BALEAGE, or making silage in bales of wilted forage that are wrapped in plastic to create an anaerobic environment, allows for the more timely harvest of forage crops...

March 19, 2019
Legumes make immeasurable contributions to forage agriculture. Producers depend on them to add yield, nutritional quality to pastures and hay, and to improve animal gains...

Aug. 21, 2017
One of the constants in the forage world seems to be the love-hate relationship that practicing agriculturalists have with haymaking...