Nov. 9, 2021
Imagine sitting in a roller coaster car chugging toward the top. When the car finally reaches its peak, it suddenly rushes downhill. The rest of the ride is full of twists and turns, including an upsi...

Nov. 9, 2021
In Southern beef systems, the need for forage often comes in the fall. This is when warm-season summer pastures have played out but before fall-planted winter-annuals are ready to graze.“In some ope...

Nov. 2, 2021
Outdoor winter feeding areas are likely to take a beating. Heavy hoof traffic and manure accumulation can cause soil compaction, erosion, and excess nutrient buildup. Allotting unfit acres for winter...

Nov. 2, 2021
It’s not that testing forages shouldn’t always be a member of the “must do” category; it just pushes higher up the list as the upcoming winter approaches.Supplemental feeding is going to be mo...

Oct. 26, 2021
Despite seasonably warm temperatures in many parts of the Midwest, winter jackets, hats, and gloves will soon be retrieved from coat closets to combat the cold that is starting to creep in...

Oct. 26, 2021
Photo: Doug MayoWhen the laboratory grinding dust settled, and all 387 entries in the 2021 Southeastern Hay Contest were analyzed, it was Bill Conrad’s crimson clover hay that outdistanced the pack...

Oct. 19, 2021
A relatively new clover is taking center stage in recent tests and demonstrations in Arkansas, and this legume’s performance has the potential to impress impress even the toughest of critics...

Oct. 19, 2021
Last week, USDA published its October Crop Production report with updates to its August report. Final crop production estimates won’t be available until January’s Crop Production Annual Summary report...

Oct. 12, 2021
Through the years, many great inventions have been the residue of someone’s desire to solve a problem. There are countless examples of what we consider mainstream agricultural equipment that s...

Oct. 12, 2021
Initial results from a University of Kentucky (UK) research trial indicates that a late-season application of nitrogen (N) on tall fescue hayfields could significantly benefit first-cutting yields in...