If the silage storage process were a movie, oxygen would be cast as the evil villain. This gas can infiltrate covered silage and sabotage the amount of dry matter available at feed out...
Photo: Blake Layton, Mississippi State UniversityThere has been an invasion. Fall armyworms are marching in record numbers across hayfields and pastures from the mid-South to Ontario...
As the seasons will soon begin to change, so will grazing management for many operations. Instead of continuing to rotate livestock on every paddock, producers may decide to reserve some of their acres for stockpiling forage...
There are some producers who swear by high-chop corn silage while others wouldn’t consider the practice. When it comes to corn cutting height, there is no one-size-fits-all...
In states where livestock graze on tall fescue, grass might not be the only thing on the menu. These cattle also consume fungal endophytes that live between plant cell walls, and sometimes they can be toxic...
Corn is frequently sold “on the hoof” to be chopped for silage rather than harvested for grain. This year, there will be a number of drought-stressed acres sold off for chopping...
Planting clover in mixed grazing systems has many benefits, such as adding nutritional value to livestock diets, reducing the effects of toxic endophytes in fescue, and fixing nitrogen in the soil...
No matter how silage is stored, silage leachate can be a concern. It’s high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), low pH, and high reducing potential can threaten the environment...