April 3, 2018
“Springtime brings the growth of new spring grasses, but it also offers a higher risk for grass tetany,” says Lew Strickland, extension veterinarian with the University of Tennessee (UT).In a rece...

April 3, 2018
Once hay crop or corn silage is ensiled and fermented, it’s always best if it stays in place until the crop is fed. Sometimes, however, situations arise where it will need to be moved and re-ensiled...

March 27, 2018
Cattle, horses, sheep, and goats are all susceptible to internal parasites, which can be devastating to producers economically.“Many times, the effects are subclinical and may go unnoticed, but severe infestations can cause disease and death,” says Adam Speir, a county extension agent with the University of Georgia’s forage extension team. Speir notes that the effects of infestations can come in many forms, with the most common being reduced milk production, reduced...

March 27, 2018
According to an informal survey of suppliers, available seed for spring planting is a mixed bag. The survey was conducted by Dan Foor, chief executive officer for LaCrosse Seed in LaCrosse, Wis.Here w...

March 20, 2018
Spring is a time of pasture renewal. However, after a winter of intermittent rain and continual refreezing, feeding grounds may be unsuitable for fresh growth. Ohio State University extension educator...

March 20, 2018
If you can’t beat it, plan for it. The “it” in this case is drought. Periods of extended dry weather have become both more routine and intense in recent years. Nearly all regions have been affec...

March 13, 2018
Alfalfa seeding practices have changed pretty dramatically over the years. These days, many producers seed alfalfa without also using a nurse or companion crop such as oats or another cereal grain. Be...

March 13, 2018
From both a landowner and tenant’s perspective, renting pastureland can be a tricky business that is wrought with riskIt’s always important that both parties know the quality and productivity of t...

March 6, 2018
A new tool is now available that helps determine proper cattle supplementation during winter. University of Florida (UF) beef specialist Nicolas DiLorenzo recently introduced the UF Hay Balancer at th...

Feb. 27, 2018
Conditions were not ideal last fall and early winter in many parts of the South for establishing cool-season annuals such as ryegrass, oats, wheat, and rye...