Regardless of discipline, success in agriculture often starts from the ground up. In cattle and forage production, improved pasture management can result in higher quality forages, better fed livestoc...
A wide range of opinions is held by beef producers regarding the value of shade for grazing livestock. In the southeastern U.S., where summers come with relentless heat and humidity, there are still p...
As the winter-feeding season kicks into gear, thousands of large round bales will be moved from storage to feeder. Bruce Anderson, extension forage specialist with the University of Nebraska, reminds...
The verdict is in. Grazing toxic fescue to the ground is dangerous to pastured livestock. Findings released by the University of Missouri indicate that the highest levels of toxic alkaloids are held i...
By any measure, potato leafhoppers are one of the most destructive insect pests to alfalfa yield and persistence in the United States. Many alfalfa growers have had bad experiences with the small, bri...
Timing is everything. It’s true in most aspects of life and certainly true in farming. Getting fall-planted cereals in the ground hinges on favorable late-season weather and the harvest date of...
Grazing winter annuals in the South reduces the need for storing winter feed and providing additional supplements; however, their effectiveness and productivity hinge largely on providing a nutritiona...
Getting a new or renewed field of forage established can sometimes be a battle for both the farmer and the seed. “Just below the surface there is a fierce competition waging between plants for survi...
Depending on what you’re looking for, forage seed supplies range from adequate to extremely tight, said Dan Foor, chief executive officer for LaCrosse Seed. Foor based his assessment on an informal...