June 28, 2016
“The beef industry is on an unsustainable path because aggressively selecting for enhanced mature size, muscle, and milk potential isn’t necessarily good for the commercial operation given typical...

June 21, 2016
“High-quality silage is important because of its value as a source of energy and other nutrients for growing cattle, and as a roughage source for finishing cattle,” said Dan Loy, Iowa State Univer...

June 14, 2016
“While I think everyone should have some hay on hand for emergency feeding, baling pastures may not be the best option,” states Travis Meteer, University of Illinois extension educator. There are...

June 14, 2016
With the long, hot days of summer rapidly approaching and the inevitable possibility of drought, even the hardiest of perennial forages can struggle staying productive. “In order to protect our perennial forages for long-term stand life, there are times we should evaluate alternative forage options,” says University of Georgia beef specialist Jennifer Tucker in a recent issue of the Southeast Cattle Advisor. Summer annuals are heat and drought tolerant and can be...

June 7, 2016
Ionophores promote noteworthy weight gain in growing cattle and mature cows. This is true not just for feedlot cattle, but also those on pasture...

June 7, 2016
As temperatures begin to rise, pasture forages start to experience significant growth . . . but inevitably, so do weeds. Bill Curran, professor of weed science at Penn State University, notes that we...

May 31, 2016
Some forage producers do little to control weeds in their perennial forage fields and pastures except maybe cut them when it’s time to make hay...

May 31, 2016
Already this season there have been reports of hay heating and a couple of stack fires. As many areas of the United States have been on the receiving end of persistent rain, hay gro...

May 24, 2016
The vast majority of haymakers in the U.S. are at the mercy of Mother Nature for good harvesting weather at a specific point in time when the crop is at the desired forage quality. It’s...

May 24, 2016
Hay & Forage Grower is pleased to announce that South Dakota native Sydney Sleep will serve as its summer student intern...