Hay Biz is a collection of news releases from the forage industry covering product launches, employee additions, and industry events. The items below have been supplied by forage marketers and have not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.

Feb. 18, 2019
Continuing its commitment to advancing the future of High-Efficiency Farming, Case IH is expanding its AFS Soil Command™ lineup to include mapping technology, signifying progress in both field mapping...

Feb. 18, 2019
On top of dealing with harsh winter weather in feeding cows, cattle farmers must guard against too much nitrate in poor-quality hay. “Just from cases we’ve confirmed, I know of 150 c...

Feb. 18, 2019
Scales are crucial to produce and livestock agricultural businesses. Invest in a scale that is accurate and repeatable, sensitive, reliable and easily serviced...

Feb. 18, 2019
AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO), a world-leading manufacturer and distributor of agricultural equipment solutions, hosted its first hackathon February 2-3...

Feb. 18, 2019
To meet the remote operation management and technology needs of farmers in North America, Case IH has enhanced the Advanced Farming Systems (AFS) Connect™ farm management system...

Feb. 18, 2019
The 2019 Pennsylvania Forage Conference will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2019 at the Grantville Holiday Inn. Registration will begin at 8:15 am with the program beginning at 9:00...

Feb. 18, 2019
For North American hay producers looking to maximize their return on investment, Krone is pleased to introduce the new BiG M 450 Self-Propelled Mower Conditioner. Krone unveiled the new BiG M 450 in A...

Feb. 18, 2019
A recent University of Nebraska–Lincoln study demonstrated that SHREDLAGE® corn silage, produced exclusively by the CLAAS JAGUAR forage harvester, improved average daily gains and feed-to-gain ratio...

Feb. 18, 2019
Midwestern BioAg (MBA), a leader in soil health and sustainability, has become a 4R Partner in the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program through The Fertilizer Institute...

Feb. 14, 2019
New Holland Agriculture announced today the new GENESIS® T8 Series tractor with Precision Land Management (PLM™) Intelligence...